Innovation & Integrity: HEXANIKA ’s Blueprint to Success

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Innovation & Integrity are the two pillars with which HEXANIKA has built revolutionary industry-specific data solutions for banking, insurance, financial services and healthcare industries. This blog explores the philosophy and culture of the company and how it has helped create a customer first approach to deliver successful insights and savings.

“To win in the marketplace you must first win in the workplace.”  – Doug Conant

HEXANIKA’s moto is to effectively and efficiently solve data challenges faced by various industries like banking, insurance, healthcare, etc. With this philosophy, HEXANIKA empowers people to build innovative data solutions for business processes which inculcates a culture that promotes innovative and out-of-the-box thinking.


Let’s have a look at how HEXANIKA laid the foundation to grow from a startup to an organization recognized globally for its innovative approach:

Ground Zero: Laying The Foundation Of Culture & Integrity!

As per the proven history of all successful startups, HEXANIKA began its journey from a garage setup. The founders sat with the team and discussed their ideas, concepts and created roadmaps for the future. These humble beginnings were the roots for a strong foundation, where the team quickly learnt about the importance of flexibility, accepting roles outside one’s domain, teamwork and taking up additional responsibilities.


The young team was learning from the masters of the game and each interaction followed a round-table discussion, giving each individual a platform to voice their opinions and concerns. This eliminated the top to bottom approach prevalent in most companies. More importantly,

  1. The tone was set and all believed that it is the “People” who will be the key for success of HEXANIKA
  2. People were given the freedom to take lead in various functions and this empowerment gradually started showing positive results.
  3. Ideas were welcomed and saying “NO” was allowed.
  4. Each employee wore multiple hats and enjoyed working on something which was totally new and not part of the routine.

This culture of being a tightly knit team ensures HEXANIKA works as a team and not as standalone individuals. Doing so goes a long way towards creating an engaged workplace and instilled integrity amongst its employees towards the organizations. Each person in HEXANIKA is the owner of his / her role and is responsible for organizational success.

The key pillars of HEXANIKA’s Culture, i.e.  People, Innovation, Integrity, Empowerment, Transparency and Process were thus laid.

Stage One: Innovation In The Workplace!

The design plan of the HEXANIKA workplace reflects the innovative services offered to clients. Each area of the office is tailored for its own specific needs, capturing the variety of work performed by each team.

The workplace plays a significant part to inspire creativity and stimulate productivity. HEXANIKA’s workplace incorporates an open-office environment with no cubicles or cabins. This encourages collaboration between teams and facilitates brainstorming of ideas.

Thus, unique and innovative ideas are instantly communicated and implemented. To inspire the team and keep them focused on their goals, HEXANIKA has:

HEXANIKA Culture 1

The HEXANIKA office is the foundation of the company’s culture and showcases its focus on innovation. With this aim in mind, HEXANIKA has made efforts to bring in Silicon Valley mindset to the office situated in India.

Each room is named after its US counterpart, like:

  1. Broadway (Reception)
  2. Central Park & Bryant Park(Open air discussion Rooms)
  3. Silicon Valley (Product Development Bay)
  4. Times Square (Conference Room)
  5. Wall Street (Revenue & Operations

HEXANIKA Workplace

The whole thought process of the design has been to reinforce HEXANIKA’s vision “Leader in providing customers with innovative industry specific data products” and mission “We empower people to build innovative simple smart and efficient data solutions for clients to increase profitability”.

Final Destination: Driving Passion To Create Success Stories!

The thing that will endure for 100 years, the way it has for most 100-year companies, is the culture. Culture is what creates the foundation for all future innovation. If you break the culture, you break the machine that creates your product. – Peter Thiel

HEXANIKA has People First ideology that gives importance to the growth of their employees as the underpinning aspect of its own growth.

HEXANIKA’s culture to achieve success is built on continuous reinforcement of innovation and integrity with client as the focus. To succeed, HEXANIKA believes in empowering and investing in its employees. To help inculcate these values, HEXANIKA has champions that drive continuous reinforcement of HEXANIKA’s values & culture.

HEXANIKA Initiatives

  1. HEXAFEVER: One of the easiest ways to show employees you value them, and their work is to recognize and communicate their wins. To encourage this, HEXANIKA conducts HEXAFever, a monthly initiative where outstanding performers are recognized and rewarded.
  2. HEXAFIT: At HEXANIKA, employees work hard and party harder. Thus, came in to being HEXAFit, an initiative to ensure employees are always high on energy and mentally strong. Employees start each week with meditation and yoga to stay positive throughout the week while there are monthly activities to ensure the team is healthy and fit.
  3. HEXAINNOVATE: Innovation initiative was introduced to motivate the team for continuous innovation, through asking simple questions like ‘What else can I do?’ to looking at a problem in a completely new way and thinking ‘Is there a better way to do it?’. The Innovation initiative also recognize innovative thinkers each month along with exciting games that rattle creativity and out-of-the-box thinking.
  4. HEXASECURE: Initiative to ensure internal and external security of HEXANIKA’s software is optimum. The security team ensures best practices are followed and performs vulnerability assessments.
  5. HEXACSR: At HEXANIKA, each employee believes in giving back to the society and thus the CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) initiative took shape. The team has voluntarily donated to ALZ, Breast Cancer support in the US while also being part of tree plantation drives and awareness on saving electricity and water.
  6. Values: In summary, each initiative culminates into the overall values that enshrine HEXANIKA’s culture for success.The value chart is a team exercise where members discuss and decide on what the organization should stand for!


  1. Poonam Sonavane
  2. Vedvrat Shikarpur

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