Proactive and transparent fair lending compliance is encouraged as per the Fair Lending Report of the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection #cfpb , 2020.

Hexanika GRC
We live in a world of ever-growing regulations that Banks have to comply with. Let’s speak why, what and how?
“Revenue Opportunities Down and Costs Up” seems to be continuing story.

Proactive and transparent #fairlending#compliance is encouraged as per the Fair Lending Report of the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection #cfpb , 2020. Further to that, the recent administration in Washington DC has already given indications of further scrutiny and enforcement of the same give backlash of events in the US in 2020.
To solve this problem #HEXANIKA has come up with #SmartReg a Fair lending solution with the following features

1. Fast Onboarding: You can go live in less than 3-5 days and in the next release it would be less than 10 minutes.
2. Easy to Use/ Self-service: You can build your own rules and reports and manage software without any knowledge of coding

1. Automated Data Sourcing: You will not need human resources to read from pdf files or other data sources to process information that comes in manual. SmartReg will do it for you.

1.Cost: With our automated platform and Reporting As A Services capability you can save more than 50% and focus on customers while we focus on your compliance
2.Transparency: Software provides 100% data audibility

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