In today’s world remote working is extremely essential because of the level of convenience it can get for any kind of business. Talking about convenience, businesses want security, online storage and access, in-house bookkeeping and a lot more attributes that Cloud Computing has to offer.


PC mag

Source: PC Magazine

What is Cloud Computing?

Cloud Computing is a model for making use of Internet to store and process data or programs instead of using the local storage on a computer. It helps in getting access to computing resources and facilitates the effectiveness of these resources that can be shared with multiple users.


Cloud Computing Services

The Cloud computing services can be Private, Public or Hybrid. Private services are secure, controlled and convenient and are generally delivered to the internal users by the business. The public cloud services are sold and delivered on-demand over the Internet from a third party provider. Hybrid services are an automated combination of the private and public cloud services.


Why Cloud Computing?


  • Cloud computing makes businesses cost efficient as they can pay on the go. They also save money on licensing fees.
  • There is less need to use expensive software.


  • Ability to serve clients faster as cloud computing software helps business, develop and launch their products and services.
  • No need to create a new infrastructure.


  • Disaster Recovery is a major issue in today’s world and because Cloud based service companies do not need complex disaster recovery plans.
  • Data remains safe and sound and can be accessed even if something goes wrong with the machine.


  • Companies can increase or decrease computing requirement based on the change in demand in turn increasing the elasticity.
  • There is access anytime anywhere making business to be lot more convenient.
    Businesses can take their workforce global as Internet allows access to the cloud from anywhere in the world.


Cloud services Categories

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) Platform as a Service (PaaS) Software as a Service (SaaS)
Flexible self-service cloud computing model used to store, access, monitor and network. Provides computing platforms and is used for application development. Used to deliver applications managed by third party vendor with interface access on client’s side
Pay as per the consumption Customized applications with simple, quick and economic development, testing and deployment Web delivery: Applications need not be installed on individual computers
Users gain infrastructure and ability to install the required platform. Reduces coding and automates business Vendors can manage everything resulting in smooth maintenance and support
Provider Example: IBM Softlayer Provider Example: Google App Engine Provider Example: Salesforce

According to CloudTech, the SaaS model is projected to grow by $15 Billion in 2018 attaining a CAGR of 8.14% and the global spending on IaaS this year is anticipated to have a 32.8% increase from last year.





Hexanika has developed two services, DRaaS ™ ( Data Readiness as A Service) and RaaS ™ (Reporting As AService), that offer to scale our products through our Go To Market partnerships and to address the customer ask to deliver complete services around our platform and products. These solutions use SaaS model that utilizes cost effective technology and human resources to deliver results which also significantly improves our competitive advantage.


  • Enhanced Data Quality
  • Faster Time to Market
  • Time Saving
  • Risk Avoidance
  • Cost Avoidance
  • Cost Reduction
  • Process Automation
  • Customized Solution



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