The goal is to turn #data into information, and information into money” But what challenges this ?
The goal is to turn #data into information, and information into money”
But what challenges this ?
In an article in Protocol by Kevin McAllister, challenges to productionizing data within #financialservices were discussed of which the most common challenges were-
1. Variety of data/ multiple data sources.
2. Veracity / quality of data.
3. Volume of data- increasing data.
HEXANIKA makes it easier with its solutions to solve these challenges –
1. Variety- enables ingestion of unstructured and #structureddata with minimal hassle using SmartSource.
2. Veracity- #dataingestion and quality check with faster #dataprocessing and 100% transparent data (end-to-end #datalineage) using SmartJoin
3. Volume- HEXANIKA solutions are on scalable platform.