Pink is in the air. This #InternationalWomensDay2021 we should #ChooseToChallenge the inequalities, especially in the pandemic. A year ago, women outnumbered men in the U.S. workforce, now they account for 100% of jobs lost in December as per CNBC (by Courtney Connley) and “this is just not right says so our CEO” Yogesh Pandit.
#WomanEmpowerment is critical for success. It starts within the family and then goes all the way to corporations, countries, and that too globally.
HEXANIKA, following its culture, celebrated International Women’s day virtually and everyone thanked the women of their lives. Women, who have inspired them, educated them, notably daughters, mothers, sisters and significant others, who have played a major role in the development not only personally but professionally as well. We will continue to promote culture and environment to attract, retain, empower women at HEXANIKA.