HEXANIKA was engaged by a large consulting firm to make their AML analytical services more efficient and effective for their banking customers. Our client, the consulting firm, is often hired by various banks and other financial institutions as a third party to perform AML reviews, as mandated by the regulators.  

The client approached HEXANIKA with a request to increase the automation in their customers AML process. The main issue was getting the data ready for ingestion into their proprietary AML case management tool. At the onset, the process:  

  1. involved the use of many people and Excel, 
  2. was time-consuming and cumbersome,  
  3. produced data sets that were not sufficiently transformed to allow for efficient audit flagging within the case management tool. 

As a result, a lot of resources were being spent on data management and sorting through false-positive cases produced by the tool.  


HEXANIKA used its SmartJoin (Data Management platform) & SmartDetect (Fraud/ Event Detection platform) to ingest the reference data and transaction data. The flexible proprietary Rules Engine allowed HEXANIKA to create a set of rules within one HEXANIKA platform. We were able to incorporate 900+ of the complex cascading rules, which automated and enriched the data management as follows: 

  1. Data Sourcing: scheduled data sourcing from multiple disparate sources. 
  2. Parameter Sourcing: allowed for automated pattern detection for high activity, historical activities, pass-through activities, activities of structuring nature and velocity. 
  3. Data Enrichment: the data is now enriched with details such as originator, customer, beneficiary, etc. and is mapped to report template, which allows creation & scanning through the complex rules to efficiently identify outliers for further investigation. 
  4. Data Standardization: bringing the data under the uniform format compatible with the AML case management tool eliminating the need for manual intervention. 


Replacing the old process of preparing the data for ingestion into the AML case management system with HEXANIKA product with its flexible rules resulted for the consulting firm in 70% cost of building & time savings and 50% faster on-boarding of clients for AML Analytics.   

We are very excited that we were able to help our client to make this tedious and time-consuming process significantly less laborious and more efficient. SIMPLE, SMART & EFFICIENT!  

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